Welcome to our blog, our team aims to publish helpful content on a (semi) regular basis . We're here to give you the best marketing content available, so think step by step guides, video tutorials and more. All specifically to benefit your UK business.
August 20, 2020
Content marketing – what is it? (video guide at bottom of page)
Wikipedia defines it as “Content marketing actually relates to any kind of marketing format which involves the creation, sharing and publishing of media in order to acquire customers” So this opens up a whole array of possibilities in terms of what you can do, and sometimes thinking out…August 18, 2020
In case your image doesn’t appear ‘Alt text’ is meant to help users understand what a photo actually is. There’s no doubt that ‘Alt text’ also adds SEO value as well. This is because search engines use keywords to understand what the webpage is all about. Don’t call your photos ‘image 1’ or ‘dsc0045’ It’s a shame that so many people miss this…
August 17, 2020
Search Engine Optimisation
Search engines are a lot smarter than they used to be, especially Google who have always strived to be the best at giving relevant answers. Meta data NOT Meta Keywords. Google has said for a long time that it no longer counts meta keywords in any calculations, but meta titles and meta descriptions still play an important role. Not every…August 16, 2020
Keyword Research For Local SEO
For those of you that don’t know, keywords are important on two levels. They help with SEO relevance but they also provide you with information on knowing how many people are likely to visit your website when you target that specific keyword. With free tools like the “Google keyword tool” we can get a good estimate of how many searches…August 14, 2020
Places To List Your Business For Free
Places to list your business for free. Believe it or not, there is still such a thing as a free lunch, there are a lot of important internet directories in the UK that will give you free listings. Some of them even have enough usage to benefit you as a standalone entity, we have certainly gained clients in this fashion…BOOST YOUR FINANCIAL MARKETING
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