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7 Blogging Tips For Beginners

What Are Blogs?

Before we get started with any blogging tips you need to understand what blogs are created for. Blogs (previously called ‘online journals’) are not a new addition to the world of the Internet but even with having had several digital marketing trend changes, blogs are still very relevant.

They’re also very useful for sending out a message to the world and even to make some money with. Blogs, although they are essentially websites, are viewed differently from a traditional website because they are much more personal.

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In order to start a blog rather than a website you should be aware that it needs to be based on its author’s life, opinions, knowledge and experience. Although blogs can be used to advertise products their main purpose is to share different views, stories, and attract other people to the subject at hand. Instead of relying on social media to let people get to know you, blogging will let you express yourself in many more words and on a space that is entirely yours.

Regardless of whether you are paying for your online blog through a server or hosting it for free, it’s still your space, and one which you should be using carefully to fill with lots of quality content, if you’re just starting from scratch, you can read this guide “How to start a blog in 10 easy steps.”

Advertise Your Knowledge And Be Recognised

Now for the essential blogging tips. To have a successful blog you need to convince people that you are an expert in your niche. Blogging is all about sharing knowledge with others, and if it comes across that you know what you’re talking about, more people will come to your blog to gain knowledge and see you as an authority on the topic.

When your visitors see that they can rely on you to provide informative content, they will respect your opinion, and may even share news of your blog to others. The first posts you create for your blog may not contain any new or revolutionary ideas but it will be a start, and as you continue to create content you will be able to expand into various sub-topics for further growth.

It’s a good idea to get people to slowly get to know you and your niche. But once you decide to step up your game and create lots of high quality content, you may need to do a lot more research than you might already know so you can write in-depth, lengthy posts.

The highest quality posts are the ones which have a different view of a topic or suggest new ideas that are not common on other blogs. It is hard to stand out when there are so many other blogs to compete with, but with a little time and effort you will be able to become well acquainted with your niche. What visitors also find very appealing about blogs as opposed to websites is that they are updated more frequently.

What Makes A Frequent Visitor To Your Blog

Providing content on a regular basis will keep your audience interested and coming back for more but the amount will depend on the niche, topic, industry and what your competitors are generally doing. This will obviously vary a lot and is something you will need to assess.

For example, an average personal webblog often has about four new posts per week and they usually consist of a lot of text as well as some pictures and discuss topics in detail. Now lots of businesses spend time producing one to four post per month.

So the upshot is that you don’t need to go mad and come up with new content every single day. Most audiences don’t want to be bombarded with too much content anyway which is a good thing. You just need to review what is happening in your niche and reach a happy medium in running a content calendar that fits in with your own schedule.

The enormous advantage that blogs have over websites is that they mimic conversations between people, and the comment sections below allow others to join in on the conversation as well.

The most important thing to remember is that blogs take a long time to become well known and it does take a lot of time and effort to make it work. However, once this level of quality and trust is reached between the blogger and their readers, it’s a long lasting relationship that’s mutually beneficial.

That brings us to the end of our blogging tips in this post but if you have any questions about blogging or wish to discuss anything else about marketing your business on the internet, please don’t hesitate to give us a call on 0800 110 5923.

Shane McEvoy is a seasoned SEO and inbound marketing expert with nearly 30 years of experience in advertising. He established Flycast Media, a specialist B2B digital agency, and is a published author of two well-received guides while contributing to several industry publications - read his complete profile here.

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